Who I Am:

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I began my career by editing a medical monograph and writing an accompanying peer-reviewed journal article during my graduate studies at UCLA (MPH, Tropical and Infectious Disease Epidemiology). My first publication concerned the excess risk of severe illness or death from a bacterium in raw milk in California. It was featured on the front page of the Los Angeles Times and was debated in the state legislature. After graduation, I conducted records-based research concerning the efficacy of a poly-pharmacy reduction program for nursing home residents. Textbooks still cite it today.

While taking time off from paid employment to raise my daughters, I developed supplementary science materials for their schools, served as the high school orchestra boosters’ president, taught a weekly Bible study, and coached my daughter’s lacrosse team. As an Air Force wife, I volunteered in churches in Germany, Texas, and Florida. I currently reside near Tampa.

One week after my youngest daughter began college, I finally took the advice of my mentor at Wheaton College (BA, Biology/ certificate in International Community Development) by enrolling in seminary. In 2015, I completed a masters’ in biblical studies (MABS) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Jacksonville. My focus was upon the translation and interpretation of Hebrew and Greek texts.

I have completed writing a Bible study which traces the themes of Genesis 1‒3 through the New Testament and written a similar study on Genesis 4‒11.

My passion is to bridge the gap between the scholars’ world and the local church. Therefore, I write Bible studies in an academic format for a lay audience. By utilizing methods similar to scientific techniques, I investigate how the original recipients of the Bible would have understood what they were reading through the lenses of their Ancient Near Eastern, Jewish, and Greco-Roman cultures. As a result, many passages in the Old and New Testaments which seem mystifying to us suddenly become clear.

My work on developing an online Old Testament Survey curriculum for pastors in Uganda was interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Then, I began unexpectedly using my first masters degree to deliver reliable information on Covid-19.

Recently, I joined the Exegetical Summaries team at The Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) to update Harold Greenlee’s work on Jude.

Whenever possible, I love visiting with my children, foreign travel, gardening, working out at the gym, and cheering on the San Antonio Spurs.

If you would like to receive automatic updates, you can follow my posts on the Redemptive History Facebook page. Thank you for your interest! Denise T. Plichta

For more information on my background and ministry, check out this interview from Free Legions radio.